St. John Neumann Sadhan community at Kunnambatta had the inauguration of the Jubilee of MPH along with our Parish community.


    St. John Neumann Sadhan community at Kunnambatta had the inauguration of the Jubilee of MPH on June 21, 2015 along with our Parish community.

    OLPH JUbilee Kunnambetta (1)
    It was done during the solemn holy Qurbana at 8:00 am, in which Rev. Fr. Joy Poonoly, C.Ss.R, our Provincial was the main celebrant. He lit the giant Jubilee candle to mark the inauguration of the jubilee. After which he conducted the novena to MPH too. Fr. Joy Mullasseril, C.Ss.R, was also present for the inauguration of the Jubilee. We light the jubilee candle and pray the Novena to MPH on every Sunday, after the Holy Qurbana.
    Tony Kattakayam C.Ss.R

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