Inauguration of the Jubilee Year: Karvaloor community


    Inauguration of the Jubilee Year
    Entrusting the Icon of Mother of Perpetual Help

    The inauguration of the MPH jubilee at Karvaloor community was celebrated with much festivity and enthusiasm on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 with the people of God. The celebration began with Rosary at 9.15 am. Fr. Mathew Anchil, the parish priest of the St. Thomas Church celebrated Holy Qurbana. Fr. Joy Poonoly our provincial superior preached the homily and inaugurated the jubilee year with lightening the jubilee lamp. Fr. Jose Viruppel, the Forane Vicar led the novena to MPH. Fr. Biju K. Jose conducted the Holy Hour. Thank you dear confreres for your prayers and support.

    Fr. Rijo Kunnumkottu

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