
    We need silence to be alone with God, to speak to Him, to listen to Him, to ponder His words deep in our hearts. We need to be alone with God in silence to be renewed and transformed. Silence gives us a new outlook on life. In it we are filled with the energy of God Himself that makes us do all things with joy. It was an opportunity for us- five deacons belonging to the Liguori province, one from the province of Bangalore and two from the vice-province of Majella to experience the marvelous love of God from March 28 to April 2.

    We made our retreat under the guidance and scholarly direction of Fr. Michael Naikanparambil. It was a time for us to reflect on our consecrated life and its various dimensions from the biblical point of view. Conferences, daily meditation, rosary and Adoration helped us to personally evaluate our life and the challenges we may have to face in our journey as a Redemptorist priest. Fr. Michael was very open in sharing his own experiences as a Redemptorist priest. He also reminded and challenged us to remain faithful to our precious call.
    Fr. Sijo K.

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