Events are Blessings


    Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.  There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from. With this view the first retreat exclusively for  couples was held in RRC, Vadavathoor, under the able leadership of the Director Fr. Shiby K, from April 7-10. The goal behind the retreat was  the special renewal  and sanctification of families. There were talks by Frs. Baby V., Jaison T., Roy V. apart from the Director, Br. Ginu and Dr. Anush.  The talks, holy hours and the counseling were new experience for many of them. One participant shared: “My wife and I experienced our first couples retreat over the weekend, and  I must say I am enlightened!  The retreat was a call ‘to Live in Love.’  This was the first time for us, and I can tell you that it was a very powerful and moving experience.  We shared our deepest desires for our lives, we unearthed deep-seated goals  that we hadn’t considered for years, and we shared some moments together that brought us both to tears. The healing service during the Adoration was a new beginning for us.”

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