
    Retreat for Theologians at MSA: What turns a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly is its cocoon experience. And the cocoon stage is the process of being at ease with one’s own emptiness, because in the cocoon one has nothing to do other than think of oneself. Retreat is also a time to embrace the emptiness of oneself. We theologians at MSA also had a time to think about our emptiness and to embrace it. Fr. Joseph Abraham from the vice province of Majella was the retreat preacher. All through the talks he was highlighting the importance of embracing the nothingness. Because it is in this emptiness we can know, where we are! Are we in ourselves or far away from our self? Often we are miles away from ourselves and living in an imaginary world, and retreat is the time to withdraw from our own fantasy worlds and get back to our real self.
    Bro. Jinto Jesus C.Ss.R.

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