A Memorable Day in the Life of Philosophy Students Inauguration of the Academic year


    Students never forget their first entrance in to the school. As the students of philosophy we had a splendid and unforgettable day on June 1st. We were accompanied to Little Flower Seminary, Aluva by Frs. Joy Poonoly and Jissoy Pendanath. We were heartily welcome by Fr. John Kochupurackal the rector and other fathers of seminary. The inauguration ceremony commenced with Holy Qurbana. The General Superior of the CST congregation Rev. Dr. Mathew Kumpuckal CST was the main celebrant. Frs. Joy Poonoly and Jissoy Pendanath were the concelebrants, along with other fathers. Fr. Joy Poonoly delivered a heart-touching homily. It was a motivating one and was well appreciated by all. Soon after the Holy Qurbana the ceremony of inauguration was held in the auditorium. It began with the lighting of the candle by the General Superior of the CST fathers. There was a paper presentation on “the Religious and Pope Francis.”

    -Bro. Abin Varakanattu C.Ss.R.

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