
    Bangalore: No matter what we are going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but we can do it and just keep working towards it . The academic year 2016-17 at Mount St. Alphonsus was inaugurated on 9/6/16 by Rev. Fr. Joy Poonoly the Provincial Superior of the Liguori Province. Inauguration ceremony began with the solemn Eucharistic celebration in which Fr. Joy was the main celebrant. He delivered a motivational homily which inspired all of us to strive for good results and success in the new academic year. The whole community along with Frs. Assisi and Edward were present for the Eucharistic celebration. There was an orientation talk by Fr. Selva Raj SJ. This talk helped us to understand the need and importance of studies in priestly and religious life. Fr. Raja, the dean of the studies welcomed all the new comers officially and gave a short explanation about the curriculum and other academic activities.
    – Bro. Denny David C.Ss.R.

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