The Benjamins


    But as for you, O LORD, you are our Father; and we are clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hands.” (Is. 64: 8)

    Santhome Minor Seminary (SMS), Podimattom: We have 21 young students who seem to have the discerned Redemptorist call, to more readily discern and respond to the call of God this year. The inauguration of the Academic Year 2016-17 was held on 6th June 2016. Rev. Fr. Joy Poonoly, the Provincial and Fr. Joseph V., the Vicar Provincial were the chief guests of the day. Fr. Tomy A., the Rector welcomed those gathered to the function and Fr. Michael N., the Spiritual Director along with Bro. Tomin representing the Students, lit the Ceremonial Lamp, inaugurating the Academic Year. Fr. Stephen O., the Director of the Juvenate, Fr. Bibin O., the Socius and Fr. Joe K., the English Tutor were also present. The Provincial addressed the gathering and exhorted the students during the Holy Qurbana, to attune to the spirit of religious life in the Seminary. He emphasized the importance to be ready to change for the better and encouraged them to make use of every opportunity to come closer to God. There are 28 students at SMS, 7 doing their Secondary High School and 21 doing the Orientation Year.

    Fr. Joe Kunnumpurathu C.Ss.R.

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