Journey of Happiness


In all that He did he gave thanks to the Holy one, the Most High, proclaiming His glory he
sang praise with all his heart and he loved his maker. (Sirach 47.8).
Life is a journey and as we move forward in life, we recognize the greatness of God with
gratitude. When I think about my 12 years of formation, first of all, I thank God almighty
for his wonderful Grace and blessings. My formation journey has helped me to form my
mind and discipline my life. In this journey towards priesthood, I have faced many joyful
and sorrowful moments. In every moment of my life God has always been with me. There
are challenges in all ways of life. The journey towards priesthood is a profound and noble
calling which is not without challenges. But, these challenges can be used as opportunities
for personal growth, spiritual development, and a deeper connection with one another.
I sincerely thank God, all my formators, teachers, parents, siblings and friends for all their
concern, support, encouragement, love and care. I assure everyone my prayers, and request
to keep me and my ministry in your prayers. God Bless you.
Fr. Shibin Mulavarickal C.Ss.R.