“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that
he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and
those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified”. (Rom 8: 29-30)
God’s call has been perennial but whom He calls and how they respond has made considerable impacts in
God’s plan of Salvation. When I recollect my initial experience that led me to join a religious congregation,
I call to mind all the wonderful ways in which God made me His own. From my childhood, I knew that
my calling in life was to serve God in some way. So, I was happy to be in the service of the Church and was
very much interested to involve myself in the church activities. It is the faith of my parents that instilled
deep faith and reverence in me. As I grew older, I began to feel a stronger pull towards the priesthood.
While I knew deep down that this was what I was meant to be, I was excited to fully commit myself to
this way of life. However, over time, the call became louder and more persistent, and I could no longer
resist it. This tiny spark was blown into a fire when I met the Redemptorists.
The Redemptorist formation took me through serious discernment. It helped me grow humanly,
spiritually, academically, and pastorally. Various formators, spiritual directors, priests, sisters and my
own companions helped me to journey in my vocation. Formation moulded me and helped me in
strengthening my call and equipped me to answer my call as well. Throughout my journey, I received
incredible support from those around me, especially from my Redemptorist confreres, family and friends.
Their constant encouragement and guidance, helped to solidify my decision to become a Redemptorist.
The years of formation and the rich memories of it are ever etched in me and are deeply rewarding and
dearly cherished. I was ordained as a priest by Mar John Nellikkunnel on the 22nd of May 2023. God
guided me all through the preparations. Divine providence brought in the right people, situations and
experiences revealing His closeness to me. As I look back now, I see God’s hand in every situation, in every
experience and in every learning. I know that this is only the beginning. It is not an accomplishment on
my own but rather it is God’s working through me and in me. Despite the
challenges, the blessings of this vocation are countless, and I know that in
following this path, I am fulfilling my true calling in life.
All I learnt along the way is “to be open to God’s ways” and that “His grace
is sufficient for me”. The words of Jeremiah 1:9-10 taken as motto of my
ordination, reads “Behold, I have put my words in your
mouth. See, I have set you this day over nations and over
kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to
overthrow, to build and to plant.” In the light of this, I see my
religious life and Priesthood as a call from God to love, to
bring hope to those who have lost it and to bring light to those
who sit in darkness. Continuing to work in His vineyard my
prayer is, that I may remain as a branch attached to the vine,
bearing fruits, and thus building His kingdom proclaiming
plentiful redemption to all. May God bless us and guide us as
we embark on this journey spreading hope and love.

Fr. Antony Puthoor C.Ss.R.