Fr. Poly Kannampuzha , CSsR


Fr. Poly: A Good Hearted and Charming Confrere. We are happy to wish and pray for you, Fr. Poly, as you reach a milestone in your life –25 years of Religious Profession! Thank you, Poly, for the person you are. As you begin the Jubilee Year, we pray God’s blessing upon you and upon all your relatives and friends. I cannot forget my 28 years of contact with Poly. Though he was two years younger to me, I was very friendly and closer to him than many of my own batch mates. Thus, I have come in contact with Poly’s parents, siblings, and most of his nephew sand nieces. And I think that I visited Poly’s house many times, more than any other confrere’s house. As young seminarians, Poly and I lived under the same roof of Sadupadesa, Bangalore, for philosophical studies. From then on, we have been good friends till date. The bond and friendship that we created between us remained even after the seminary studies, e s p e c i a l l y during our stay in Rome. Although Poly and I lived in two different communities in Rome, we used to meet up at least once every fortnight and these get-togethers were very relaxing and loaded with fun as we not only shared our stories and experiences but also cooked dinner, cracked jokes, and played Table Tennis etc. One of the reasons for Poly’s frequent visit to me was his weakness for Kappa Biriyani! I also happily remember the picnics and trips we went to. All these were occasions for deepening friendship and growing in fraternity.

What touched me and what I admire in Poly is his charming personality. Personality is the sum characteristics that differentiate a person, or it is the unique behaviour of a person. According to my perception, the most predominant characteristic of Poly is his charming personality. Essential component of a personality is the positive and undesirable elements in a person. The positive elements that reside in Poly are approachability, adaptability, patience, and interpersonal dynamism. Moreover, Poly is a very friendly, committed, generous, joyful, energetic, and fun loving confrere. If I were to describe Poly in one short sentence, it would be this: Poly is a holder of Good Heart and Charm. Continue to shine and be an inspiration to many, dear Poly. May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace (Num 6:24-25).

Fr. James Kizhakkayil, CSsR